" vamos?! " , 2024 / Setúbal  

The sculpture “ Vamos?!”, by Ricardo Romero, presents itself as a piece of cultural intervention in great scale, which seeks to honor the evident dialogue between the timelessness of local culture, the concept of place and the infinite possibilities of how time occupies space.


As we observe in everyday life, time eternalized in space, inserted in the culture of modern societies, up rises to countless benefits that promote an interactive, playful and well-being activity with the surrounding environment.


With the touch of childhood innocence, it is also necessary for us to put into practice the theory that both Time and Space can coexist significantly with our mood.


When it comes to Setúbal, the concept to be developed with the piece is mainly related to the connection between two fundamental elements that ferment the city’s culture: the indisputably characteristic environment (space), and the historical surroundings (time,) portrayed as a always eternal and rejuvenating guiding thread.


The child we see in the play symbolically represents this timeless criterion; the innocence of a welcoming space where you can grow, evolve or return to your origins, with the same joy that children play with. In the child’s hand, an old train offers a journey through the imagination


…” It’s either raining and not sunny,

or it’s sunny and not raining!


You either wear a glove and not a ring,

or you wear a ring and not a glove!


Those who go up in the air do not stay on the ground,

those who stay on the ground don’t go up in the air.


It’s such a pity that one cannot be

at two different places at the same time!


I either save up money and don’t buy candies,

or I buy candies and don’t save up money.


Either this or that, either this or that...

I keep choosing this or that all day long!


 I never know whether I should play or study,

or whether I go running or relax.

But...I still can’t figure out

what is best: if it is this or that.”

“Either this or that” by Cecília Meireles

" futuro " , 2021 / Leiria  

“FUTURO”, word that titles this project, intends to reinforce the idea that Leiria is a city in movement and cultural development. My interest in movement, permanently regarded as a reference in previous works, comes from the need to explore the visual and perceptual barriers that arise from the human/time binomial, and consequently from the poetic and metaphorical relationships that result from this.  The present proposal features two passersby from different generations, who walk side by side in one direction. The scale relationship of the sculpture with the surrounding landscape marks the meeting between the audience and the proposal's key element - time - in its irregularities and spatio-temporal lines.

In short, it is from a dialogue between unique generations that the present sculptural proposal draws a timeline, which places us apron stage, of the movement itself, linking past, present and future in a single moment.

" O gato e o vento  " , 2021 / Setúbal  

" sopro " , 2020 / Marinha Grande 

“Sopro” / 2020 

To celebrate the centenary of the birth of the sculptor Joaquim Correia, I made this sculpture that is on top of the Stephens Theater, Culture House at Marinha Grande.

It is a sculpture about three meters high, which pays homage to glass artisans. Having as reference the plaster aesthetics of the centenary sculptor, this work immediately calls for a new reading on a traditional technique in the image of the contemporary resources of the time in which we live.

In this, reference to nature is subtle, with the presence of a squirrel on the figure's shoulder. The artist's interest in nature and the essential resources that come from it are immediately the reason for much of his work.

" phobos  " , 2020 / Évora

" olhar e não ver " , 2019 / Leiria 

" Olhar e não ver "/ 2019

Looking but not seeing “You look and think: it's a black cat, it's only a black cat. And you carry on with your life, because nothing else matters more to you than going ahead with your own life” ... 

" kyno " , 2018 / Leiria